Prof. Dr. Silvana Botti
Theoretical Physics / Computational Design of Functional Interfaces
Foto: Privat
I am an expert in the first-principles simulation of electronic excitations and optical properties of complex materials. My team works in close collaboration with experimental groups on groundbreaking topics in condensed matter physics and optics, but we also engage in the development of theories, methods and scientific software. We use computational material modelling to search for improved electronic and quantum materials and to understand how they can be combined to create heterostructures, alloys, doped crystals or simply new compounds. My studies contribute to the exciting research field of computational materials design, an emerging multidisciplinary topic that brings together innovative work from condensed matter physics, materials chemistry and computer science. My main research efforts are currently focused on the design of functional interfaces and high-throughput engineering of dopants and alloys for energy generation, storage and saving.