Prof. Dr. Uwe Czarnetzki
Experimental physics, especially plasma and atomic physics
The research interest focuses on the physics of low-temperature plasmas. This includes questions e.g. on ohmic and shock-free heating, on the transport and distribution of charged and uncharged particles or on the propagation of electromagnetic fields in ionized media as well as related aspects of atomic and molecular physics. In this context, the application and development of new diagnostic methods is of particular importance. One focus is on laser spectroscopy, e.g. for the measurement of electric fields, distribution functions or particle densities. However, emission spectroscopic techniques, ion energy analysis and other standard techniques are also used.
Parallel to the experimental investigations, modelling and the use of simulation calculations are also among the essential techniques for achieving an overall physical understanding. In particular, excited plasmas (CCP, ICP, Helicon, NLD) and recently also micro-discharges at atmospheric pressure are investigated by means of radio frequency coupling.
Current research topics are: shock-free heating using helicon waves, stochastic heating in capacitive discharges, nonlinear plasma oscillations, the electric asymmetry effect, optical modulation spectroscopy in inductive discharges, laser spectroscopic E-field measurement, Thomson scattering, magnetic X-point discharges.
The person
Professional career
Memberships and commitment
- German Physical Society
- German Society for Plasma Technology e.V. Institute of Physics
- German Society of JSPS Scholars
- Humboldt Club Germany