Prof. Dr Evgeny Epelbaum
Theoretical physics, physics of hadrons and nuclei
Our research activities focus on theoretical investigations to elucidate the internal structure and dynamics of hadrons composed of quarks and gluons. For this purpose, effective field theories such as chiral perturbation theory are applied, which reflect certain symmetry properties of the underlying fundamental theory, quantum chromodynamics, and allow a systematic and model-independent access to the hadronic observables.
In addition to the properties of the individual hadrons, few-baryon systems are also investigated. For this purpose, the forces acting between the baryons must first be derived using the chiral effective field theory.
In the second step, the properties of the few-baryon systems are calculated numerically with the help of modern supercomputers. In particular, we use a formulation of the chiral effective field theory on the lattice, which, analogous to lattice QCD, enables the application of Monte Carlo simulations.
Other research topics are: Quark mass dependence of hadronic observables and chiral extrapolation of QCD lattice data, electromagnetic processes at the nucleon and at light nuclei (such as pion photo- and electroproduction), extension of chiral effective field theory to spin-3/2 fields, isospin-violating effects, hyperon-nucleon interaction and the properties of hypernuclei.
The person
Professional career
Image: Damian Gorczany