
The Chair of Computational Plasma Physics deals with the numerical simulation of magnetised plasmas and, in particular, the physical issues of magnetic reconnection and turbulence. The chair is the spokesperson of the research group FOR 1048 "Instabilities, Turbulence and Transport in Cosmic Magnetic Fields". The focus is on the cache-coherent implementation of block-structured adaptive grid refinement on massively parallel computer architectures such as BlueGene, the use of penalty methods for modelling complex geometries, the implementation of methods for highly compressible flows and Vlasov simulations on GPU clusters, as well as the development of theory for Eulerian and Lagrangian turbulence.

The person


1976 - 1983 Studies at the University of Düsseldorf
1983 Diploma in Physics, University of Düsseldorf.
Title: "MHD stability of tokamaks with elliptical cross-section with respect to
axially symmetric disturbances".
1988 PhD in Physics, University of Düsseldorf.
Title: "Interaction between tearing modes near a
bifurcation point of codimension 2″.
1994 Habilitation in Physics, University of Düsseldorf.
Title: "Singularities in ideal incompressible Flows with swirl".

Professional career

1983 - 1988 Research assistant at the University of Düsseldorf
1988 - 1989 Postdoctoral position at the Observatoire de Nice (CNRS, 1 year)
1989 - 1990 Postdoctoral position at the Dept. of Math., UC Santa Barbara (DFG, 1.5 years)
1990 - 1998 Research assistant at the University of Düsseldorf
1998 - 2000 Senior Assistant at the University of Düsseldorf
since 2000 C4 Professor, Theoretical Physics (Ruhr University Bochum)
2002 Co-organiser of the DPG Spring Conference on Plasma Physics in Bochum
since 2003 Member of the Board of Directors of the Computing Centre of the Ruhr University Bochum
since 2007 Spokesperson of the user groups of the "Simulation Laboratory Plasma Physics", FZ Jülich, Bochum, Düsseldorf, Aachen
March 2008 Organiser (together with PD Dr. H. Fichtner) of the "Computational Methods in Astrophysics" school
since 2008 Spokesperson of the research group FOR 1048
february 2010 Organiser (together with Prof. Dr. R.J. Dettmar, PD Dr. H. Fichtner) of the school "MHD Dynamos in Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas".


1992 Bennigsen Promotion Prize (DM 100,000)
2001 Intel/HP IPF Award (DM 60,000)
2009 XXL Project Award: 60 million BlueGene CPU hours
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