8 years and 41 million galaxies: An international research team has analyzed the final data from the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS). These...
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First milestone of the Euclid mission: data from galaxies 10 billion light years away
19.03.25 | Research
The Euclid space telescope provides completely new insights into the dark universe. The European Space Agency ESA has now published the first...
"Hjärtliga gratulationer" to the affiliated professorship at the Technical University of Gothenburg, Julia Tjus!
05.03.25 | Faculty, Research, Instagram
Prof. Julia Tjus' long-standing connection to Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg has been honored by the Swedish university with a special...
This order is infusible: physicists provide proof of heat-resistant magnetism
21.01.25 | Research, Instagram, Transfer
Heat destroys everything it touches - right? An international team of physicists has found an amazing exception: They have discovered a...
Of small particles and big successes: Julia Tjus reports on her path into astrophysics
17.12.24 | Research, Instagram
Photo: Sofia Brandes. Astrophysicist Prof. Julia Tjus in the portrait of the Mercator Foundation magazine. Turmoil: What is the origin of cosmic...
Catherine Heymans among the most cited researchers in the world
19.11.24 | Research
Photo: © RUB, Kramer. Prof. Dr. Catherine Heymans is Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Edinburgh and Director of the German Centre for...
Surprise at the grain boundary: What structures do iron atoms form at the interface?
30.10.24 | Research
Using state-of-the-art microscopy and simulation techniques, an international research team was able to observe for the first time how dissolved elements create new...
14 million galaxies on a single map: Euclid's first images for the Atlas of the Universe
28.10.24 | Research
"Creating turbulence" - but how? New article in Physical Review Letters explains the phenomenon of turbulence
24.09.24 | Research
Anyone who has flown on vacation this summer may have experienced it first hand: turbulence is the chaotic movement of air or other airborne objects....
New spectacular images from the Euclid space telescope
03.06.24 | Research
The Euclid space telescope explores the dark universe. Bochum researcher Hendrik Hildebrandt is also involved in the mission.
International research team cracks physics nut
17.05.24 | Research
Prof. Dr. Epelbaum's TP II chair is also involved in the research team.
F. Ömer Ilday receives Alexander von Humboldt Professorship
15.05.24 | Research
The physicist has been researching and teaching at Ruhr-Universität since July 2023.