Faculty of Physics and Astronomy

Workshop in honor of Konstantin Efetov: Universalities, symmetries and correlations in low-dimensional electronic systems

20.09.24 | Event

From 23 to 27 September, the Institute of Theoretical Physics III is organizing an international workshop in memory of Professor Konstantin B. Efetov with the title: "Universalities, symmetries and correlations in low-dimensional electronic systems."

Efetov was an internationally recognized expert in the field of theoretical condensed matter physics. He was particularly interested in collective many-body effects and phase transitions as well as the properties of materials, such as superconductivity and magnetism. He developed the supersymmetry approach to describe disordered systems and, together with F. Sebastián Bergeret and Anatoly F. Volkov, discovered the long-range proximity effect in superconducting contacts with ferromagnets.

Over the course of his scientific career, he has been awarded numerous prizes, including the Landau-Weizmann Research Prize in 1998 and the French "Chaire Blaise Pascal" science prize in 2011 - the first researcher from Germany to receive this award. In the same year, the American Physical Society named him a Fellow for his excellent achievements in the development of the supersymmetry method. Since 1997, Efetov has worked as a professor at the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy.

The workshop will bring together former colleagues, students and friends of the solid-state physicist to discuss the latest experimental and theoretical advances in the fields that Efetov's research has so significantly influenced.

Registration is still possible via mail to individual lectures can also be attended spontaneously as long as seats are still available.

Further information is available on the workshop website.

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