On Monday, October 30, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. c.t., the next meeting of our Physics Colloquium will be held.
The speaker is Prof. Dr. Serim Ilday (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) on the topic "A conceptual mapping of the uncharted, far-from-equilibrium territories"..
The talk will revolve around a deceptively simple-sounding but notoriously challenging question at the nexus of condensed matter, statistical and nonlinear physics: "When far from equilibrium, in the presence of fluctuations, and faced with multiple steady states with small energy differences, how does a system evolve?" I will argue that the triple mechanism of nonlinearity, fluctuations, and feedback mechanisms is the key machinery for the structural and behavioral emergence and sustenance of complexity under strongly stochastic and highly nonlinear settings, which a handful of control nobs can guide.
Abstract of the lecture by Prof. Ilday
The introduction will be given by Prof. Dr. Ilya Eremin.
The faculty cordially invites all interested parties. The event will take place in the lecture hall HZO 20. Before the colloquium we offer coffee and cookies.
All dates of the Physics Colloquium can be found here.