Here you can find out everything about upcoming and past events at the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy.
Physics Colloquium on 22.01.2024: Exploring Portals to a Hidden Sector Through Fixed Targets at CERN
On Monday, January 22, 2024, at 12:00 c.t., the next date of our Physics Colloquium will take place. The speaker will be Prof. Dr. Horst Fischer (University of Freiburg) on the topic...
Physics colloquium on 15.01.2024: Special colloquium on the Nobel Prizes
On Monday, January 15, 2024, at 12:00 c.t., the next date of our Physics Colloquium will take place. In this special colloquium on the 2023 Nobel Prizes, Prof. Dr. Clara...
Saturday Morning Physics on 13.01.2024: What holds the world together at its core - the structure of our universe
On January 13, 2024, the faculty invites you to Saturday Morning Physics. The speaker is Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wiedner with a lecture on "What holds the world together at its core - the structure of...
Physics colloquium on 08.01.2024: "Glueballs and Friends"
On Monday, January 8, 2024, at 12:00 c.t., the next date of our Physics Colloquium will take place. The speaker will be Prof. Dr. Franceso Knechtli (Bergische Universität Wuppertal) on the...
Physics colloquium on 18.12.2023: Presentations on the dissertation prize
On Monday (18.12.23) at 12.00 c.t. the next meeting of our physics colloquium will take place. On this date, the two candidates for this year's dissertation prize will be...
Physics colloquium on 11.12.2023: "Machine Learning Conventional Superconductors"
On Monday, December 11, 2023, at 12:00 c.t., the next date of our Physics Colloquium will take place. Speaker is Prof. Dr. Miguel Marques (RUB) on the topic "Machine Learning...
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