Photo: Damian Gorczany
Welcome to the Service Centre for School Contacts
The Service Center for School Contacts is the central contact point for schools and teachers in the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. The Dean's Office, the chair for didactics of physics and the student advisors of the faculty are involved.
The Service Centre for School Contacts coordinates the ongoing cooperation of the faculty with schools in the vicinity of the Ruhr-Universität. Our goals:
- To promote the attractiveness and quality of physics teaching.
- Awakening children's and young people's enthusiasm for physics at an early age.
- to provide student teachers with a practical education.
Current faculty offerings for schools and teachers can be conveniently sent to them by joining our mailing list.
Our offers and interests
Our offers for schools and teachers
- Events for career orientation and Study guidance
- Consultation of subject conferences
- Further training for teachers on new teaching concepts and current topics in physics
- Lending of materials and equipment for teaching purposes
- School-specific projects in the Alfried Krupp School Laboratory of Science
- Cooperation agreements with schools
Devices for loan
You can borrow various devices from us for your lessons.
Available devices:
- Three thermal imaging cameras
- Four climate cases (more information can be found here)
- School experiments from our collection on request
Our quantum suitcase is no longer on loan and will soon be offered as a project in the school laboratory. You are also welcome to request a teacher training course (SchiLF) on the subject of quantum physics at school, in which you will also learn how to work with the quantum case.
Based on various guiding questions and interdisciplinary experiments, students in the 9th and 10th grades (all types of schools in Sek 1) learn about social and individual options for action on climate change. Labs4Future offers two project days that can be booked together or independently of each other.
The (climate) system Earth and the individual and societal options for action
Day 1: Development of problem knowledge about the phenomenon of climate change
- natural and anthropogenic greenhouse effect
- weather vs. climate
- carbon cycle
- Consequences and tipping points in the earth system
Day 2: The efficiency of different options for action
- individual footprint and societal options for action
- emissions from consumption, mobility and housing
- Discussions and negotiation processes of society
Both project days last about 7 hours each (with breaks).
For further information, please contact Professor Dr. Heiko Krabbe.
Labs4Future was developed at the University of Würzburg. The project was transformed to Bochum and is scientifically accompanied here data collection.
In-service training for teachers (SchiLF)
Our offerings for in-school teacher training (SchiLF):
- Language education in physics lessons
→ Offer also with the school seal "Language and culture-sensitive teaching" of the RUB Academy - Quantum physics at school - experiments with the quantum suitcase
- MINT theses in cooperation with the PSE and the RUB Academy
RUB Teachers' Day
Since 2018, PSE (Professional School of Education) organizes the RUB Teachers' Day. The Faculty of Physics also participates in the event with offerings for physics teachers. More information about past and future RUB Teachers' Days can be found here.
Information about cooperation schools
With cooperating schools we conclude a contract which is about mutual support in the further development of physics teaching in practice and research. Interested students at the high school can take advantage of offers for specialized work and career orientation at the university. Conversely, physics student teachers will have the opportunity to gain practical experience at the school.
Once a year, we invite our partners from the cooperation schools to a meeting where we exchange ideas and present new topics to them (e.g. 3D printing at school).
If you are interested in becoming a cooperation school, please contact Professor Dr. Heiko Krabbe.
These schools are already cooperating schools:
Our offers for your students
- Support for student research projects (e.g. for Jugend forscht, GYPT, freestyle-physics)
- Carrying out of specialized work, student practicals, laboratory tours
- Student project weeks during the school vacations
- Regular meeting place for young researchers at the GYPT Center Bochum
There are many information events for students who are thinking about studying at RUB, especially at the beginning of each year. Students receive information on various topics, for example:
- Start of studies
- The right choice of subjects
- Financing options
Students can also actively get to know university life and attend events before they start their studies. More information is available here.
In addition, students are welcome to contact our advisor Dr. Dirk Meyer for advice on studying physics at the RUB. You are also welcome to invite Mr. Meyer to your school.
Our interests in cooperating with you
- Practical elements in the career exploration for student teachers at schools
- Independent projects carried out by student teachers
- Development partnerships with teachers and schools within the framework of subject didactic research
Photos: Damian Gorczany
Your contact persons at the faculty
Prof. Dr. Heiko Krabbe
Physics didactics
Dr. Dirk Meyer
Advice on Bachelor's degree programmes
NB 04/595
Tel.: +49 234 32 23198
Photo: RUB, Marquard.