Latest news and announcements
Stay informed! Here you will find current information from the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy.
Final data set of the Kilo-Degree Survey provides information about the origin of the universe
27.03.25 | Research
8 years and 41 million galaxies: An international research team has analyzed the final data from the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS). These confirm a standard model of the distribution of matter in the...
New faculty regulations published
26.03.25 | Faculty
On March 25, 2025, the new Faculty Regulations of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy were published as Official Announcement No. 1676. The regulations come into force on the day of their publication.
First milestone of the Euclid mission: data from galaxies 10 billion light years away
19.03.25 | Research
The Euclid space telescope provides completely new insights into the dark universe. The European Space Agency ESA has now published the first large data set from the mission:...
Astronomy & Space Day on March 29
10.03.25 | Event
March 29 is Astronomy Day and Space Day. All over Germany, research institutes, observatories, astronomical societies, planetariums and museums open their doors and invite you to...
"Hjärtliga gratulationer" to the affiliated professorship at the Technical University of Gothenburg, Julia Tjus!
05.03.25 | Faculty, Research, Instagram
Prof. Julia Tjus' long-standing association with Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg has been honored by the Swedish university with a special award: from March 1, 2025, she will be...
PLANETAMOS - the physics show musical on March 29 & 30
The globally unique physics show musical "PLANETAMOS" from the University of Bonn is coming to the Ruhr region for the first time in March! In a brilliant show with demonstration experiments, music and live singing, the...
Saturday Morning Physics on March 22: "Quantum dots: The source of fascinating quantum light"
26.02.25 | Instagram, Saturday Morning Physics, Event
The Faculty of Physics and Astronomy cordially invites all physics enthusiasts to the last event of the "Saturday Morning Physics" series this spring! On March 22, 2025 at 11 a.m. opens...
Project week for schoolgirls during the Easter vacations: Register now!
20.02.25 | Instagram, Students, Event
+++ Update from March 6: The project week is now fully booked. If you haven't got a place yet, you can still put your name on the waiting list - if there are still...
"STEM research is not an elitist affair" - Ida Hülsbusch in a zdi portrait
11.02.25 | Instagram, school, students, transfer
In an interview with the Future through Innovation.NRW network, the student shares her experiences as a young physicist and ideas on how to get more schoolgirls interested in STEM subjects.
Achim von Keudell appointed new Vice-Rector for Structure & Planning
30.01.25 | Faculty, Internal News
Photo: RUB, Marquard. The plasma physicist was elected Vice-Rector for Structure and Planning at Ruhr-Universität. He takes over the office from Denise Manahan-Vaughan.
German Young Physicists' Tournament - the Ruhr regional competition for physics-loving students
29.01.25 | Instagram, Students, Event
On February 6, the German Young Physicists' Tournament (GYPT) - Regional Competition Ruhr will take place at the faculty! GYPT is an experimentally oriented physics competition for students in the...
Saturday Morning Physics on February 8: "The wonderful world of quantum physics - experiments with photons"
27.01.25 | Instagram, Saturday Morning Physics, Event
On February 8, the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy invites you to the next edition of Saturday Morning Physics. Albert Einstein was a great proponent of the idea that the universe is organized according to clear...
This order is infusible: physicists provide proof of heat-resistant magnetism
21.01.25 | Research, Instagram, Transfer
Heat destroys everything it touches - right? An international team of physicists has found an amazing exception: They have developed a theory about an idealized substance that...
Inside RUB - Information day for prospective students on June 26
21.01.25 | Instagram, Students, Event
On June 26, 2025, all prospective students are cordially invited to Ruhr-Universität Bochum. This is a great opportunity to get to know our university and gain an insight into the...
Physics colloquium on January 27: QUANTUM PHYSICS IN SCHOOL
20.01.25 | Physics Colloquium, Saturday Morning Physics, Event
On Monday, January 27, 2025, at 12:00 c.t., the next (and last) date of our Physics Colloquium this winter semester will take place. Prof. Dr. Philipp Bitzenbauer, Professor...
The subject of physics introduces itself - at the Digital University Day on January 11
08.01.25 | Instagram, Students, Event
Is studying physics something for me? And what can I expect if I study physics at Ruhr-Universität Bochum? At the Digital University Day for Physics on January 9, we want to answer these and...
06.01.25 | Physics Colloquium, Event
On Monday, January 13, 2025, at 12:00 c.t., the next date of our Physics Colloquium will take place this winter semester. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rhode, Professor for...
Saturday Morning Physics on January 11: Quantum physics at your fingertips - perfect magnets through dancing electrons
19.12.24 | Instagram, Saturday Morning Physics, Event
On January 11, the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy invites you to the next edition of Saturday Morning Physics. Prof. Anna Böhmer will present her research on superconductors, which are characterized by...