Latest news and announcements
Stay informed! Here you will find current information from the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy.
The coupling of two quantum dots has succeeded for the first time
02.02.23 | Research
A tiny change represents a major breakthrough in quantum physics: an international research team from Bochum and Copenhagen has succeeded in identifying two quantum dots in a...
The Science Year 2023 at the RUB
27.01.23 | Event
"Bochum between heaven and earth" - that's how Bochum is kicking off the Year of Science 2023. February 11 is the starting signal in the planetarium. The Ruhr-Universität will also be participating throughout the year with...
Dissertation Award 2022: Dr. Meike Küßner could convince
For the fourth time, the dissertation prize of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy was awarded last year. The winner of this round is Dr. Meike Küßner. In her doctoral thesis, Meike...
Physics Colloquium on 30.01.2023: Topic: Electron-Astrophysics - How the Smallest Scales in Space Power the Biggest Structures in the Universe.
23.01.23 | Physics Colloquium, Event
On Monday (30.01.2023) at 12.00 pm c.t. the next date of our Physics Colloquium will take place. The speaker is Dr. Daniel Verscharen (University College London) on the topic:...
Physics Colloquium on Jan. 23, 2023: Challenges Towards High Efficiency Low Noise Quantum Dot Single Photon Sources.
20.01.23 | Physics Colloquium, Event
On Monday (23.01.2023) at 12.00 pm c.t. the next date of our Physics Colloquium will take place. The speaker is Dr. Arne Ludwig (RUB) on the topic: "Challenges Towards High Efficiency Low...
Saturday Morning Physics on Jan. 21, 2023: In five steps through our universe - an introduction to the Science Year 2023
01/16/2013 | Saturday Morning Physics, Event
On January 21, 2023, the faculty invites you to the Saturday Morning Physics. Speaker is Prof. Dr. Ralf-Jürgen Dettmar with a lecture on "In five steps through our universe - a...
Physics Colloquium on Jan. 16, 2023: "Nobel Prize 2022 Goes Spooky" - Lecture on the Nobel Prize in Physics 2022.
09.01.23 | Physics Colloquium, Event
On Monday (16.01.2023) at 12.00 pm c.t. the next date of our Physics Colloquium will take place. Speaker is Prof. Dr. Andreas D. Wieck (RUB) about the Nobel Prize in Physics 2022: "Nobel Prize...
Information event about the bachelor thesis and chair presentations in January
06.01.23 | Study
On Monday, 09 January 2023, Bachelor students have the opportunity to inform themselves about the topic of Bachelor thesis. In the time from 14.00-15.00 o'clock takes place in the lecture hall H-NB a hybrid...
Inclusive university - student feedback desired
02.01.23 | RUB
2023, an inclusion plan will be adopted at Ruhr-Universität. Students are invited to provide their feedback on the planned core content.
Physics Colloquium on 09.01.2023: Shut Up and Calculate!
02.01.23 | Physics Colloquium, Event
On Monday (09.01.2023) at 12.00 p.m. c.t. the next date of our Physics Colloquium will take place. The speaker is Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Paul (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg) on the...
The faculty wishes happy holidays and a happy new year
23.12.22 | Faculty
The Faculty of Physics and Astronomy wishes you all a reflective holiday season and a happy new year. The year 2022 is coming to an end and we hope that you all enjoyed the...
Nature Physics - Prof. Dr. Anna Böhmer on the current state and future of nematicity research.
12/15/22 | Research
Inspired by the editors of the renowned journal Nature Physics, Prof. Dr. Anna Böhmer and three other researchers* have discussed the perspective of research on nematicity in...
More Science than Fiction? - An Interview on the "Interstellar Summer School
13.12.22 | Study
Anything is possible in Hollywood, but what about in reality? Since its release in 2014, Christopher Nolan's science fiction film "Interstellar" has not only been...
Physics Colloquium on 12/19/2022: Investigation of Quantum Cascade Lasers Using Time Domain Spectroscopy (Inaugural Lecture)
12.12.22 | Event
On Monday (19.12.22) at 12.00 pm c.t. the next date of our Physics Colloquium will take place. Speaker is Dr. Nahan Jukam (RUB) with his inaugural lecture on the topic: "Investigation...
Calendar 2023 - Research under extreme conditions
12.12.22 | Research
The calendar "The Interplay of Cosmic Matter" offers an insight into exciting research questions: 13 photos of the 13 subprojects of the Collaborative Research Center 1491 are shown there.
Physics Colloquium on 12.12.2022: Presentations for the Dissertation Award
08.12.22 | Event
On Monday (12/12/22) at 12:00 p.m. c.t. the next meeting of our Physics Colloquium will take place. On this date the two candidates for this year's dissertation award will be announced....
Study physics abroad - Information event about the Erasmus program on December 16
08.12.22 | Study
Also this year the faculty invites all interested physics students to an information event for Erasmus studies. On December 16 at 3:00 p.m. students of the...
Citizen science project to search for jellyfish galaxies launches
06.12.22 | Research
All interested parties can participate in the search for the rare phenomenon.