Latest news and announcements

Stay informed! Here you will find current information from the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy.

Mars finds city

Mars finds city

In the Science Year 2023 - Our Universe, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is sending citizens of all ages on a journey to the limits of human imagination.

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New images on campus

New images on campus

Glimpses of the universe are shown in two large-format pictures that have recently been adorning the walls on the stairways to the university library.

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Cohesion in miniature

Cohesion in miniature

If there were no bonds between atoms, our world would not exist. Materials scientist Ralf Drautz is concerned with this special cohesion.

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Joint open day

Joint open day

Soon the joint open day of biology, chemistry and physics will take place. Here impressions of the departments can be collected.

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