Master of Science Physics at RUB – What to expect in your studies
Top level research and excellent teaching – we offer you a comprehensive degree program, with our education providing both subject-specific and professional skills.
Our Master of Science Physics offers you a comprehensive study program with the possibility to individually set your focus. Considering the requirements and changes in the professional world, the program intends to provide you with the necessary specialist knowledge, skills, abilities, and methods to enable you to carry out scientific work according to scientific principles, to critically classify scientific findings and to act responsibly in a professional setting. The teaching and learning processes enable you to study independently at an early stage and to pursue individual development perspectives.
The program is divided into a two-semester study phase and a two-semester research phase.
Bild: Damian Gorczany
Study phase
During the study phase, the basic knowledge and methods acquired in experimental physics and theoretical physics during the Bachelor’s degree program will be completed. You will then gain an insight into current research in a chosen focus area and learn about scientific work and independent research in detail. The physics program is supplemented by modules from other subjects as well as modules to teach key interdisciplinary skills.
Foto: Damian Gorczany
Research phase
The research phase begins with a three months period which allows you to prepare and familiarize yourself with you research topic.
The Master’s degree program concludes with the Master’s thesis, which should be completed within nine months. As with the focus of your study program, you may also choose the topic of your thesis by yourself, in consultation with the professor supervising your work.
Foto: Damian Gorczany
In our program you should acquire the competence to work independently in an academic context and learn problem-solving strategies for new, unfamiliar situations in multidisciplinary contexts. You should also acquire the ability to exchange ideas with specialist representatives at a scientific level and to take on responsibility in a team.
Our degree program is offered in English. Some exceptions may be made for German language offers. The examination language is English, unless otherwise provided for in the examination regulations, or German is agreed as the examination language by mutual agreement between the examiners and the candidates.
Why you should join our study program (in a nutshell)
- Five specialization areas: nuclear + particle physics, solid state physics, plasma physics, astronomy/astrophysics, biophysics
- Individual course of studies due to many possible combination of program modules
- Key competence modules, granting practical skills for your future career
- More than 20 research groups, well-known scientists and prestigious research programs
- No tuition fees, only a social contribution per semester (includes free public transport ticket)
- Low living cost in the Ruhr area
FAQ Master of Science Physics
When can I start the Master of Science Physics program?
You can start the program in the winter and summer semester.
Important note for international, non-EU applicants: please note that you need to regard the application periods (early December – January, 15th for summer semesters; early June – July, 15th for winter semesters).
How is the program structured?
The program is officially structured as follows:
- two years, four semesters
- each semester around 30 credit points (CP)
- First year: study phase (60 CP)
- Second year: Master thesis (60 CP)
- two years are the standard period of study according to examination regulations
- no one from the faculty checks the achievements per semester
- if less than 30 CP are acquired, this has no consequences
- It is possible to study for more than two years without any problems (the study period is not limited)
- Your individual plan can differ from the „official“ and standardized regulation
How do I apply for the program? (German applicants)
If you finished you Bachelor degree at RUB, you will NOT need to follow step 1, but will need to make an appointment for an obligatory consultation with Dr. Ivonne Möller.
If you finished your Bachelor degree at a German university, you will need to take the following steps to apply:
1. Fill out the form „Antrag auf Prüfung der Zugangsvoraussetzungen zum Master of Science in Physik“ and add the relevant documents. Please send your documents to the examination office (E-Mail).
2. Please contact Dr. Ivonne Möller for your obligatory consultation.
3. If successfully completed the first two steps, you need to enroll within the set period. For students already enrolled at RUB, please follow the instructions for transferring to another program. German students from other universities need to enroll, please find further information on RUB’s central websites.
How do I apply for the program? (International applicants)
You can apply for the program via the RUB application portal. Please regard the application deadlines.
RUB application portalAfter you submitted your application, we ask you kindly to be patient. We receive many applications and carefully consider each one. You will hear from us in due time, but in case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
What prerequisites are required to start my application?
Admission to the Master’s programme in physics is open to students who have completed at least six semesters of a Bachelor’s programme in physics with a total of 180 CP or an equivalent program.
The admission requirements also include one of the following:
- proof of a minimum of 25 CP in basic experimental physics,
- proof of a minimum of 15 CP in theoretical physics (proof of a module on quantum mechanics in a B.Sc. or M.Sc. degree programme in physics or comparable achievements in another degree programme must be submitted),
- proof of a minimum of 15 CP in higher mathematics in the fields of analysis and linear algebra and geometry,
- proof of a minimum of 10 CP in a basic laboratory course in physics,
- a Bachelor’s thesis of at least 8 CP in a physics-related subject.
Can I apply, even though I do not meet all of the criteria mentioned before?
Yes! If you do NOT meet all requirements mentioned, you can still apply to our program under certain conditions. In fact, we encourage you to apply and speak to our advisors about the conditions for your individual case.
Admission to the Master’s degree program in physics can be granted subject to conditions, provided that these do not exceed 40 CP. The conditions must be proven at the latest upon admission to the Master’s thesis.
That means, that you can be admitted to the program and start your studies, but that you will have to make up some course work, as long as it does not exceed 40 CP. Your work in regard to the conditions does not have any effect upon your Master’s program and grades, etc. will not be counted towards your Master’s degree.
What language skills are required for the program?
We do not require any language certificates with your application, if one of the following applies to you:
- English is your native language
- You have a German Abitur certificate
- You already completed an English-language degree program
- Your Bachelor’s thesis is in the English language
Should one of the criteria mentioned above apply to you, we do not need special/official proof, please just send us whatever documents you have. Should we require further information, we will contact you.
If none of the criteria mentioned above apply to you, you must provide a certificate of proficiency in English at B2 level as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (TOEFL PBT 550 points, TOEFL iBT 72-94, English test at B2 level of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) or equivalent results). The examination board decides on the equivalence.
Why should I choose this study program?
Our program aims to you with the necessary specialist knowledge, competences, skills and methods, enabling you to carry out academic and research work in accordance with scientific principles, to critically classify scientific findings and to act responsibly. The program is designed to enable you early on to study independently and pursue your individual growth perspectives, teaching you problem-solving strategies to deal with new unfamiliar situations in multidisciplinary contexts.
To achieve this, the programme is subdivided into a two-semester study phase and a two-semester research phase, allowing you to choose fields of specialisation and to carry out your own independent research. Additionally, the programme is meaningfully supplemented by modules in other fields, as well as by modules for teaching interdisciplinary key competences.
Interdisciplinary work is key to our success at RUB. The university offers a large variety of departments, as well as a wonderful network with other universities all over the world. On a smaller scale, we are a very familiar and cordial faculty, where students and professors are helpful and open to and with each other. We are looking forward to welcoming you to our faculty!
Who can help me if I have any further questions?
Should you require more information please do not hesitate to contact our student advisors.
Student advisor M.Sc. Physics
(non-international students)

Dr. Ivonne Möller
Advisor Master of Science Physics (non-international)
NB 02/169
Tel.: +49 234 32 29105
Student advisor M.Sc. Physics
(international students)
Dr. Andreas Kreyßig
Advisor Master of Science Physics (international students)
Tel.: +49 234 32 23648