Info event Master Medical Physics

15.09.22 | Event

For the joint Master's program "Medical Physics" of RUB and TU Dortmund University there will be an information event for prospective students and students on September 26, 2022.

After a longer Corona break, there will again be a central information event for the start of the Master's program "Medical Physics" on September 26, 2022. In addition to students who are already starting their studies in this winter semester, all prospective students who are considering starting their studies in one of the coming semesters are also invited. The information event will be offered as a hybrid event, but attendance is recommended in order to get in contact with (new) fellow students.

The schedule of the event is planned as follows:

Start 10.00 a.m. (s.t.) at the TU TU Dortmund in the CT central area, lecture hall ZE 02 (alternatively hybrid). The building is located on the north campus opposite the lecture hall building II.

  1. Presentation
    Structure of the study program
  2. Presentations
    Short presentation of the focal points by the module representatives
    Presentation by representatives of the clinic
    Presentation by experienced students with tips and tricks for studying
  3. Personal exchange with the module instructors
    Following the presentations, you will be able to get individual information on the focal points and receive advice on the composition of the courses.
    Please inform yourself about the focal points before the event and bring your questions with you.
  4. From student to student
    In the exchange with students from higher semesters, you will get the opportunity to learn more about everyday life at the university, to network and to get to know your fellow students.


To make the event as safe as possible, we will use appropriate filters on site and strongly recommend wearing an FFP2 mask. Of course, we also offer an online solution for all participants. Information about this will be announced here:


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