Faculty of Physics and Astronomy

Physics colloquium on 13.11.2023: "Life on Earth - an Accident?"

07.11.23 | Physics Colloquium, Event

On Monday, November 13, 2023, at 12:00 c.t., the next date of our Physics Colloquium will take place.

The speaker will be Prof. Dr. Ulf Meißner (University of Bonn) on the topic "Life on Earth - an Accident?".

The elements are generated in the Big Bang and in stars. In these reactions, a number of fine-tunings appear, which have often been interpreted in the context of the anthropic principle. In this talk, I discuss a different view point and will answer the question: How much are the fundamental parameters of the Standard Model constrained by the abundances of the elements that are required to make life on Earth possible?

Abstract of the lecture by Prof. Meißner

The introduction will be given by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wiedner.

The faculty cordially invites all interested parties. The event will take place in the lecture hall HZO 20. Before the colloquium we offer coffee and cookies.

All dates of the Physics Colloquium can be found here.

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